Presentation Guidelines

Oral Presentation Guidelines

  • Format: Presentations should be submitted in PowerPoint format (.ppt or .pptx). Slides should be set to a 16:9 aspect ratio. If a different aspect ratio (e.g., 4:3) is used, the slides will be displayed, but may not fill the entire screen.
  • Content: Each slide should be concise, uncluttered, and readable from a distance, using only key words and phrases to reinforce visual elements. Avoid lengthy text.
  • Language: All oral presentations must be delivered in English, the official language of the event.
  • Timing: Presentations should adhere to the allocated time frame, which includes 5 minutes for discussion and Q&A.

Poster Presentation Guidelines

  • Poster Language and Format:  Posters must be in English. The file format for must be PDF.
  • Content:  Include a clear, concise title that accurately reflects the poster’s content. List all authors with their affiliations, and ensure that contact details, including email address, phone number, and fax number are provided. Use clear formatting to differentiate between authors and their affiliations.
  • Content and Layout:  Organize your poster into sections such as Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. Use headings and subheadings to guide viewers through the content. Incorporate visuals, such as graphs, charts, and images, to effectively convey key findings. Keep text concise, and utilize bullet points or numbered lists where applicable.
  • Design and Visual Appeal:  Ensure that the poster is readable. Use large fonts for headings and key points. Maintain a balance between text and visuals to avoid overcrowding. Choose colors and graphics that enhance clarity and attract attention without overwhelming the content. Use high-resolution photographs, charts, and graphs to illustrate data effectively, and avoid large tables of raw data.
  • Clarity, Flow, and Interaction:  Clearly articulate the purpose, methods, results, and implications of your work. Ensure that the information flows logically and is easy to follow.